
Current information


Enclosed you will find the latest information material in German and English.

Info flyer in german language

Info flyer in English


ZVEI - The electrical industry

Find news on the homepage of the ZVEI. For further information do not hesitate to contact us.

Competent networks

The Cluster Mechatronics & Automation eV is a platform and forum for the definition and implementation of measures that serve the progress of mechatronics and related disciplines.

Focus network

The Automation Valley Nordbayern is the regional Industry 4.0 initiative, in which about 300 companies and scientific institutions are organized.

Bavarian M & E employers association

bayme vbm are the employers associations of the mechanical and electrical industry in Bavaria. The goal of action is the economic success of the member companies.

European railway industry

Current information from Unife. As the representative of the European railway industry, Unife is in continuous communication with the European institutions.

Mechanical and plant engineering

Machine and plant engineering develops solutions for the key challenges of our time - day by day. With 1.35 million employees in Germany, mechanical and plant engineering is Germany's largest industrial employer and the backbone of the German economy. The VDMA supports its more than 3200 member companies worldwide.

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